My new years resolution for 2025 is to enjoy being photographed!
And if all my clients can get on board with this too that’d be great (toddlers, teenagers and wedding guests I’m mainly talking to you! Oh and new dads too)!
When you put a camera in front of people usually 1 of 3 transformations happen.
1. They perform. They strike a rehearsed pose they feel confident in and freeze, and it can look a little inauthentic.
2. They own it. They’re relaxed, confident, experimental, listen to direction and just go for it with a true smile or reaction to the moment they are in.
3. They avoid. Eye contact is illusive. They death stare the camera at a push. They shrink. Become less of who they are. Their personality disappears. And the ironic thing is, by refusing to participate out of self consciousness, they actually draw more attention to themselves.
I get it though- maybe you're self conscious, you don't feel your best and you think you'll stick out like a thorn among roses! You can still radiate joy and love and happiness though! Stop that inner critique and think of the one behind the camera!
And if I'm the one behind the camera aiming it at you, I have the tools, tricks and no-how to help you feel your best in the moment!
I'm going to get over myself. Because if someone wants you in the picture it’s because they want to remember a moment, where they were, who they were with, and to impede their creation of a photograph as a memory or celebration is like you are rejecting their kind intention!
So I’m going to try and pretend I love it, and you should too. Because people love you, want to remember and celebrate you, so give them that gift, all day, every day.
Ready to get in the picture?
Make sure you're part of your families archive and book a family shoot now- there's no perfect time, just now!