Cat is a little ray of sunshine who just loves to make everyone laugh and smile, bake cakes and eat them! She chose to share her story to inspire other Mummies-to-be.

Where did you deliver your baby?

Whiston Hospital

Were you full term?

One week early.

How was your pregnancy?

Enjoyable :-) loved very minute even the back breaking bit towards the end!

Families hands resting on newborn baby by Little Wonderland Photography Widnes Cheshire

Did you have a birth plan in place?

We had a planned c-section so all was arranged for us!

Where/how did you access midwife support during your pregnancy?

I used the local midwives who were great.

Brother and sister holding newborn baby brother by Little Wonderland Photography Widnes Cheshire

Did you have any extra scans?

I had extra scans as they were telling me I was measuring small even though I felt huge!!

If you delivered at hospital or a maternity unit, how did you get there?

We drove to Whiston hospital ourselves the day our baby was being born. We were super excited knowing we were meeting our new baby that day! We also only decided on names for boy and girl on the drive in!

Newborn baby swaddles neutral tones by Little Wonderland Photography Widnes Cheshire

How did you prep for your C-Section?

I made lots of easy meals for after the birth as I knew I would be out of action but with other children to feed life goes on! We were very lucky with family and friends feeding us!

How did you feel when your baby arrived?

Ecstatic! We didn’t know what we were having so it was such an experience!

What are your top tips for a hospital bag or home birth?

Take loads of food for hospital! I’m a fussy Annie so I took packed lunches for myself and husband for when we had given birth. We were first to deliver so we were back on the ward by 1pm eating home made bacon butties with a hot cup of tea cuddling our newborn baby boy!

What is the best gadget you've used for your newborn?

The Rockit! Wins hands down ! It basically rocks the pram for you so you don’t have to.

What advice do you have for mums-to-be and new parents?

Enjoy every single second of your pregnancy as you will miss your bump. Once baby is here take loads of pics in hospital* as it’s so lovely to look back on once everything has calmed down and your back on planet earth! Even when you think you look terrible still have the pics taken as you never get that moment back.

*Or hire a photographer to come see you and capture these moments for you ;)- Becca xxx

Sister holding newborn baby brother

I hope you enjoyed Cat's story as much as I enjoyed meeting her newest baby at her newborn session wth me.

If you're expecting a baby and would like to know more get in touch here now.