I learnt photography on a second hand film camera gifted to me from the 70s!

Although I shoot digital for work, I’ll always use my viewfinder to frame my shot.

I tried a mirrorless camera for a while, but I don’t know what it is, I just can’t connect to the image I’m making when using a screen. It makes me feel passive. The distraction of everything around me invades my vision. I like to be closed off, in the solitude of my viewfinder.

I’ll take snaps on my phone, but these are never images I feel like I have made considered decisions on to create. They are never how I see things.

I have a small compact digital I’ll bring on trips with me so I can capture things as I see them.

I still have a few analogue cameras- a Lomography Diana, even a Kodak Brownie!

I might start bringing these out with me on trips and days out.

There’s something beautiful about not knowing what you’ve got on film until you have it developed.

When you shoot for the gram on your phone, it literally takes you out of the present. You’re shooting for an audience, not yourself. And you miss out on the actual moment as you become obsessed with capturing it flawlessly for other people.

This post is too long.

Should have been a blog!

Do you miss your point and shoot?