Cake smashes are...

Frivolous! Wasteful! Unnecessary! A disgusting display of gluttony and indulgence, especially at a time when the nation is facing a cost of living crisis, parents are struggling to feed and keep their families warm and food banks are crying out for donations to keep those less affluent going.

And then there's the environmental cost- many photographers use huge rolls of paper to cover the floor for a cake smash session, which is then simply scooped up, along with the remains of the cake, and deposited in the bin.

Anyone who has been for a birthday Cake Smash session with me will know I do my most to keep waste to a minimum. Although it's called a "smash" the babies mostly just investigate and taste the frosting, and try a slice of the cake, so parents who visit me always take the leftovers home to enjoy by order of the Little Wonderland management!

However, I've recently started to think how I can do more to reduce waste whilst also lowering the cost of these sessions. I'm part Womble after all. What can I save? What can I reuse? What will make my inner hippy more at peace?

From these pondering's was born my new "Little One" birthday portrait session.

Simple & classic, this all white set up with a simple neutral cake is a real show stopper, making sure baby is the star, and you still get memorable portraits to cherish.

How does it work?

No more than 30 minutes in duration, baby simply gets to enjoy their cake, illuminated in beautiful ethereal natural light whilst I capture the action.

You'll get to view your images in your very own online

 viewing gallery and choose 5 of your favourites to receive as digital downloads, yours to print and share how you like, where you like, forever.

The cake is smaller than my standard cake smashes, presented on a reusable bamboo board, and the good news is, you still get to take home the leftovers!

No paper flooring, no cake in bin, no disposable props. This is all about baby having a little treat, a new sweet experience, and capturing wholesome, endearing images of how they explore new textures and tastes as they turn one year old.


I also invite clients visiting me to bring along donations for the local Food Bank and Hygiene Bank which I will pass on- tinned and dried goods work best and the Hygiene Bank helps those who aren't able to afford simple luxury's such as deodorant, shampoo, shower gel, sanitary wear and nappies. Please do bring them along, it makes all the difference to those in need.

Contact me now if you'd like to know more.