This 25 year old mum of 2 from Cheshire, decided to share her story with you as it's fun to relive the memories and share with others- everyone's is different!
Where did you deliver your baby?
Were you full term?
I was a week early, 38+6 to be exact!
How was your pregnancy?
More difficult than my first, although my son was 10 months when we got pregnant again so I spent my second pregnancy chasing after him!
They say boy and girl pregnancies are different but mine were pretty identical. I did have bad skin with my daughter and they say girls take your beauty so that gave me a hint she was a girl.
I didn't find out what sex my daughter was until birth, but I found out at 7 weeks with my son.
I also had pelvic girdle pain with my daughter which wasn't great. But overall it was very straightforward so I consider myself lucky.
Did you do any special preparation for your delivery?
Not really, just made sure I had someone on standby to look after our son. I bought a birthing comb as I heard good things about it to help with pain management, but it didn't really work for me, just left some nasty bruises in my palms for a week.
Did you have a birth plan in place?
I did in my head as I know it can easily go wrong and didn't want to be disappointed if it didn't go as I planned.
I wanted a water birth like I did with my son, but I progressed so quickly they didn't have time to run the bath which I was sad about but I was actually really comfortable and didn't mind at all.
Where/how did you access midwife support during your pregnancy?
Through the NHS as standard and had my appointments locally in health centres or hospital.
Did you have any extra scans?
I had 2 extra scans for growth as they said baby was measuring small, she turned out to be fine as she was just dainty.
Did you have contractions?
Yes lots of them! They started around 6am and built throughout the day (which is exactly what happened with my son), but they stopped around lunchtime completely.
At around 8.30pm I went to bed early and they started again around 9.45/10pm. From that point they were coming every 2 minutes and really intense.
Luckily we have family close by who rushed over to watch our son, and I made it to the hospital. She was born within 20 minutes of us arriving, so just in the nick of time!
Did your waters break?
They broke as I was pushing and scared the life out of the midwives! They both startled as it was quite loud and forceful. My son was born in his amniotic sac, so I had a feeling that would happen again or they would break late on.
If you delivered at hospital or a maternity unit, how did you get there?
My fiancé drove us in the car. If you've ever had contractions in the car you know how bad they are. There's nothing quite like it!
The journey felt like an hour but my fiancé got us there in about 12 minutes.
My mum actually called me en route and I had to button her I was in so much pain, I couldn't bare to talk. I took a towel with us as I knew it was close and could end up delivering in the car.
Describe your experience of contractions if you had them.
Everyone feels them differently or in different areas, I feel them like a tight band across my lower stomach.
Early contractions just feel like period pains to me. Mine built though the day and just got stronger.
The early contractions really tricked me into thinking I could manage them drug free just with breathing, but when the real ones kick in you are desperate for any relief.
I ended up only having gas & air with both of my births and it does help a bit, but they are just something not fully explainable until you experience it yourself.
How was your labour?
My first was difficult when I think back, I remember just wanting it to end, probably just from the unknown and not listening to my body properly. From start to finish it was around 15 hours, I would say the last 6-7 hrs being super intense and painful. I had to have stitches and just felt really out my depth of what to do with this tiny baby! I didn't want to leave the hospital incase something went wrong.
My second was much more enjoyable, I felt like I knew my body, what I had to do, and I actually enjoyed the pain in a strange way! There's something about going through labour and experiencing every contraction that makes you feel so proud as a woman. I also didn't need any stitches and was out of the hospital as soon as possible.
I was determined to go as 'natural' and drug free as possible with both which I am grateful for my body allowing me to do.
How did you feel when your baby arrived?
With my first I felt like my entire world was now this little person in my arms and he was the centre of my universe. I felt instant love but was super scared as I didn't have a clue what to do.
And with my daughter I just felt complete, I knew she was meant to be here this whole time and she was the missing piece of the puzzle I finally found. I remember feeling a bigger sense of responsibility with my daughter, probably because she's a girl, but like my love bubble had grown.
What are your top tips for a hospital bag or home birth?
You don't need as much as you think in a hospital bag, I totally over prepared and there was just no need for the added stress. Here are my top 5 items:
1. A few changes of your comfiest clothes (don't care what you look like)
2. At least 6 outfits for baby in 2 sizes incase they come out bigger/smaller
3. A perinatal bottle (life changing)
4. Refillable water bottle & favourite snacks
5. Muslins, muslins and more muslins!
**6. Bonus item - your own pillow from home
What is the best gadget you've used for your newborn?
Their dad to pass them to so you can sleep😂 bonus points if they're good at winding like mine was.
What advice do you have for mums-to-be and new parents?
My biggest advice would be to not get too caught up in routines and schedules. A baby is a tiny person with their own mind, needs and feelings. 9 times out of 10 it never goes to plan with kids, so take the stress away and just go with the flow.
They will be happier and easier going for it and so will you.
I remember getting so frustrated and anxious when my first wouldn't sleep, eat, behave the way I wanted or planned. With my second I just played it by ear and she's such a happier baby for it.
I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed meeting her newest baby at her Maternity & Newborn session wth me.
If you're expecting a baby and would like to know more get in touch here now.
Are you ready to celebrate your new baby?
No matter if baby has already arrived, you're expecting in the next 9 months, or your thinking about a maternity session along with a newborn session, please get in touch and I can give your all the info you need to plan the right photoshoot for you.