Erin shares her story because "I really didn’t know what to expect and I feel like I had a lovely experience".

Where did you deliver your baby?

Whiston Hospital

Were you full term?

Full term. 39 + 6

How was your pregnancy?

I had a really good, healthy pregnancy. No issues throughout thankfully. Morning sickness at the beginning, tiredness, indigestion but I worked right up until 37 weeks.

Newborn baby, swaddled and sleeping, surrounded by ferns and eucalyptus, photographed at Little Wonderland Photography

Did you have a birth plan in place?

Yes I had a birth plan that I did with the midwife. With it being my first baby, I had no clue whatsoever what to expect though. I got the vaginal birth I’d hoped for.

Did you have to change your birth plan?

Yes, I ended up getting induced and more drugs than originally planned but it made the birth more magical!

Where/how did you access midwife support during your pregnancy?

Community Midwife appointments every few weeks through NHS. They become more frequent the further along in pregnancy you get

Newborn baby photographed at Little Wonderland Photography, Widnes, Cheshire

Did you have any extra scans?

Both, medical at 20 weeks as they thought baby had an extra heart valve.. not the case!

Because we were so excited I also had additional scans at Window to the Womb in Liverpool and Starlight Ultrasound in Hale which was my favourite and I'd highly recommend.

Did you have contractions? How did they start?

Yes, I got induced. We went in on Sunday to get induced as I’d had high blood pressure the day before (I think it was the stress of being in the hospital) and started off with the pessary. That’s supposed to be in for 24 hours. If nothing happens it can be left in for another 6. Well mine fell out after 8 hours and I was devastated thinking I’d have to start the 30 hours again. Luckily they had no pessaries left. I had to wait 6 hours until they could do the next phase which was the gel at 1 am on Monday morning. As soon as that was done I got contractions. These started very intense but they didn’t seem to pick up on the monitor. By 11am I was on the labour and delivery ward.

Did your waters break?

Yes, we think they may have broke in the bath and then the midwife had to break the rest of them.

Newborn Baby posed sleeping in a pram prop, little Wonderland Photography, Widnes, Cheshire

Describe your experience of contractions if you had them.

I was worried about being induced as I read that contractions and labour is more painful. Contractions started really quickly for me and yes painful but remember that there's medication on hand to have as soon as you need it.

How was your labour ?

Labour was lovely in the end. I did have an epidural but everything went well. I dilated well and as soon as my daughter was born I said I’d do it all again and I really would.

How did you feel when your baby arrived?

Relieved. In love. Amazing. Overwhelmed.

What are your top tips for a hospital bag or home birth?

Don’t overpack! Remember an extra long straw. Show your birthing partner where everything is.

Newborn baby and sunflowers, by Little Wonderland Photography, Widnes, Cheshire

What advice do you have for mums-to-be and new parents?

It’s never too early to get things ready. Do things when you get time to do them and when you have energy to do it. I started pretty early and I’m glad I did! I don’t know where I’d have found time otherwise! Everyone told me to rest and I thought Ahh whatever. Now I wish I’d have listened because I’ll never get that time back again to enjoy that “me” time and my pregnancy!

Newborn baby posed in boat prop by Little Wonderland Photography, Widnes, Cheshire
Newborn baby posed on side sleeping by Little Wonderland Photography, Widnes, Cheshire
Smiling newborn baby with flowers by Little Wonderland Photography, Widnes, Cheshire

I hope you enjoyed Erin's story as much as I enjoyed meeting her and her baby at her Maternity and then newborn session wth me.

If you're expecting a baby and would like to know more get in touch here now.